Our aim is to help our clients make the conceptual and behavioral shifts necessary to accomplish their goals in an increasingly complex and challenging world.
Much of our process goes against commonly held ideas about anger and aggression. It also goes hand in glove with the concept of trauma informed care.
We view anger as a secondary emotion driven by fear or a sense of lack of power. People who are not afraid and have power over their situation do not get angry, they simply get active. The people we need to be most afraid of are the people who are most afraid.
Our procedures are designed to not only resolve conflict but gain cooperation from the person in crisis. If we help people get their needs met they see us as allies and not enemies. It goes back to good customer service which is more than good business – it is good risk management.
Our procedures are designed to protect everyone involved and get each person’s needs met but not at the expense of anyone else with the ultimate goal of reducing interpersonal and workplace and violence.
"We all deserve to get our needs met, but not at the expense of other people."
- Larry Hampton, Founder
Our procedures can be adapted to literally anyone on the planet who is in a relationship with anyone else. The following are some of the communities we serve but is not an exhaustive list.

Children and adolescents in schools and residential facilities

People with mental health and intellectual and development disabilities

Substance abuse and recovery

Geriatric populations

Healthcare facilities, patients and families

Populations served by law enforcement

Emigrant detainees

Foster families